Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Impending motherhood?

So in the past 2 years there has been this growing trend within my circle of friends...they're all having babies! To date I have 5 godchildren {2 boys, 3 girls} with one on the way. Now don't get me wrong I my godchildren but I can't help but wonder if I'm next on the list to become a mom...

I'm not saying I don't EVER want to become a mom, but at this stage in my life, I'm not ready. I'm taking the proper precautions, but there is still that voice in the back of my head that says 'be careful you could be next' . . .

To be perfectly honest I have recently been thinking about what my life would be like if I were to have a baby, and the possibilities scare the shit out of me. I know my life would go one of two ways;
a) I get pregnant aand my baby's daddy and I struggle to provide for our little family and thus putting a strain on our relationship and leaving me to raise a child by myself

b) I get pregnant and my baby's daddy doesn't want to have anything to do with me or the child he and I created, thus leaving me alone to raise a child by myself
I say by myself and that's exactly what I mean. My parents have already said that if i get pregnant/have a baby before I'm ready, I'm not going to receive any support from them in anyway...which has lead me to the ultimate decision;
a).that I don't wanna have children until I'm married and my husband and I decide we're ready to have children
b).I decide that I'm stable enough in my life to bring a baby into this world and provide for us by myself{until Prince Charming comes my way...}
So here's to me not having babies anytime soon, yet still providing love and support to all my friends and spoiling my god children to death!!!


RenRexx said...

This is exactly like me, except for the fact that I'm not in any hurry to have kids. I may not have them at all.
My parents were the same way, and instilled fear in me if I ever got pregnant.
Still, in time, I realized that it was best to finish school and start a career before actually having a child. I'm hoping to be with someone who is as responsible about raising a family than one who is just a low life, dead beat.
I'm very nervous about it, but I'm careful and comfortable with my decisions.