Thursday, December 29, 2011

I'm baaccckkkk!!!!!

Oh how I've missed you!

It's been approximately 10 months since my last post...(I've been slacking, I know, forgive me)
But things got extremely crrazzzzzyy in March. So I guess I need to update you on what's been going on...well in;
March- adventures in apartment hunting resulted in me finding the current place I am typing this entry in
April-  I attempted to figure out the school/work schedule; work prevailed (this time)
May- I celebrated my 21st, and came to the realization that I wasn't missing out on anything.
I was placed with a new manager at's hard to remain humble and respectful when you know more than your boss, but I did eventually get it together
June- moved into my own little home...loving it and it's decorated to my tastes
July- help the bf celebrate his birthday...other than that; things were pretty low key but I did enjoy a much needed vaca
August-pretty low key; just got comfortable in the new place
September- received my 1st promotion at work :)
October- HALLOWEEN is still my favorite holiday, but I got to spend it w/ my little precious
November- 2nd promotion at work (I'm on a roll)

Now that we've gotten to the's what December 2011 has brought me thus far...

December 1-28th

  • Participated in the bf's family gift exchange
  • Celebrated my surrogate niece's 1st birthday
  • BOUGHT MY 1st CAR (all by myself)
  • Watched my MIL graduate from college (in spirit, I had to work)
  • 2nd Christmas w/ the bf; received a beautiful piece of jewelry (again) he spoils me so much :)
  • FULL WEEK OFF WORK, so thankful for paid vacations :-)
  • cleaning mother always told me to have your home in tip top shape before the new year b/c that's the condition it would be in for the upcoming year...finished cleaning EVERYTHING. bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, kitchen AND laundry (Martha Stewart who?!)

and now that we've been caught up, let me tell you about my day today (Dec 28);

I've come to the conclusion that my family has quickly outgrown our current home so I'm once again scouring the papers for a new place to stay; but this time it will be for a while (2 year minimum). So I've complied a list of 6 potential place and I'm going to hit them all tomorrow. Hoping to find something that he and I both like and still remaining w/in our budget...wish me luck and I shall update you on the adventures of apartment hunting tomorrow, well later today (it's early morning now)

Wish me luck!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Post winter commentary

I am soooo glad that this winter weather is passing and that spring is approaching! I can't stand to be cold,and this winter was just a testament as to why i moved to NC in the first place...winter doesn't last long here, but when it comes...oh boy does it come!

I do have to say however that there are some cons to living in a semi-costal area...when there are nice days (we're talking, 60 degree weather ) people go a little crazy...I'm talking short shorts and tank top crazy. I've just got to say it's not consistently warm enough for that type of behavior, but I digress.

With spring coming up there are a few thing I have to look forward to but the main thing would be my rite of passage!
But there were some good things about this winter and it had a lot to do with my boyfriend...I can't wait to see what spring has to offer for me!

Au revoir winter, bonjour spring!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Decisions, decisions

Lately I've been thinking about my future, and I have some high hopes. I'm hoping to move come July, into MY own space, just couldn't be better and I have no complaints about my personal life.

I've been thinking about my home space, and I'm torn between buying my own house or to continue renting. I have until July to make a decision...and I've been weighing all the pros and cons of both and I do believe I'm leaning towards buying a home. I know it's going to be a lot of work but I really do believe that this is the best decision for me in the long run. And it'll be kind of nice to come home to a place that is really home. A place that I can truly call my own and know I've worked hard to achieve. Plus with my own home, I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning up after anyone but myself.

I don't know I've gotten 2nd, and 3rd opinions and everyone has given me their opinions about how much work it would be and that any problems incurred I would have to take care of on my own. They've given me a lot to think about...But like i said before, I have until July to make a decision.

Wish me luck

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're only 11 days in!

It's been a crazy time for me...from starting a new job, to attempting to move (again) I'm beginning to feel like 2011 is going to be an interesting year.

I just feel like things are starting to get to me, all I seem to do nowadays is get up, go to work, come home and clean up after people...mind you I live with able bodied adults who are perfectly capable of cleaning up after themselves, but don't seem to be doing so. I've even gone as far as to separate dishes and label everything that's mine because my roommates seem to think that everything in the apartment is fair game...IT"S NOT! I don't work 40+ hours a week, spend my hard earned money on groceries (for me) to come home and find that my food has been picked over and devoured as though the entire complex has come over and feasted without giving me notice...I'm tired of doing for everyone else but myself, so I decided that it high time for me to indulge...just a little.

So as one could imagine I've begun the search for a place to live (all by myself) and so luck. The cost of living is EXTREMELY ridiculous, the cheapest place I found STARTED at 550, that's for a 1 bedroom, with absolutely nothing included, now I do make a decent living, but I can't afford that and then to include utilities plus the bills that are currently coming in...I won't be moving for quite a while because I refuse to kill myself working overtime just to sustain my self and not have time for the important things and people in my life, and while we're on the subject...

My love life couldn't be better, I'm in a stable relationship that is progressing quite nicely =) Having someone special in your life is wonderful, and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend...he's amazing(sigh). It's like everyday he finds new ways to show me how much he cares. I love me some him....but I digress because he's one topic that i could spend all day on and I'm sure that you would be disgusted if I did, not too many people can take the lovey-dovey mushy stuff...

Anywho, life goes on around here and it's moving by fairly quickly...I honestly can't believe that in less than 4 months I'll be celebrating ANOTHER birthday, and I less than 1 month a very special milestone will be celebrated, but more on those upcoming events later...

Hope you enjoy this (very cold) beautiful day