Saturday, July 31, 2010

Updates, updates, updates

So its been almost 2 months since my last post and suffice to say A LOT has been happening...

First ~ I FINALLY got my own place=) It's just me for now, but my sister will be moving in shortly. Although I have absolutely NO furniture it['s my home and I did it all by myself.

Second ~ I'm in the process of applying, applying, applying and applying for a job so that I may purchase my own car...but the economy pretty much sucks here right now so I'm having a slight problem...but I shan't give up!

Honestly, that's all that's been happening in my world. Hunting for a job, furniture and a car is had work when u have little to no money=( But I'm working on it. I'm going to my parents house for a few days next week so we'll see what I can come up with...wish me luck!

Until the next post